Monday, July 8, 2013

What’s new in ApprovalTest.Net v 3.0?

ApprovalTests.Net v 3.0 is here, you can get it on Nuget.
Here’s what’s new:

Version 3.0 – The final version

Versioning with signed packages is always a bit of a pain. It’s made things harder to deal with when I release new versions. Thanks to Simon Cropp, I was introduce to's model for version numbers which solves it. You can read all about it here, but here’s the short version

  • ApprovalTests & ApprovalUtilities will be v 3.0 from here on out.
  • Nuget Version numbers will be actual version, and will continue to evolve.

[Contributors:  Simon Cropp]

GitHub improvement & bug fixes

One of the nice things GitHub provides is issue tracking.  As such many issues suggested where fixed including:

  • Rdlc Reports with External Images 
  • Approvals.VerifyPdf(file) 
  • Xunit & Mspec Support

Please continue to add issues as you find them.
[Contributors: James Counts & Simon Cropp]


I found that pages were giving me some issues with generated keys, so I added a scrubber you can use if you need to. You can view the code here.

.gitattributes suggestions

Line endings are a pain for everyone, but git’s solution of switching them makes things worse for ApprovalTests. Fortunately, Jake Ginnivan came up with a very nice solution of setting the approved files to binary with removes this problem.  Simply add:

      *.approved.* binary

to your .gitattributes
[Contributors: Jake Ginnivan]

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